Personal Reflection


Every day is a walk in the woods. I awake and the thought machine is running at full speed. If I’m not deliberate this flurry of thoughts draws my attention and the next thing I know I wonder where the time has gone. Perhaps I feel I’m late or disoriented. Whatever the experience, I chose to start this precious day with reactions rather than deliberateness.

This is a glimpse of the challenge I (we) face throughout the day. How important is my commitment to the experiences I say I want to have? The simple answer is, I don’t have to look any further than what I experience today. Throughout my day, I take time out to see how I’m doing and take note of what I’m learning.

I love learning and sharing what I learn with others. In this sharing, I deepen my awareness and I help people find what they truly seek. When there is a moment of AHA by another,  I smile. When this insight is translated into action, I feel joy. This is my life.

I recently began posting short observations of what I’m learning or observing about myself and the world. These are not written as reflective pieces as other postings in the blog. What I have discovered is people identify with what I share. So why not share it here?

I begin today with posting these short writings under the title, Personal Reflections. If you have any feedback or comments, I would be grateful to hear it.

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